Fridays - Spiritual Healing
Let Us Examine Ourselves
by Andre Luiz (Spirit) / Chico Xavier (Medium)
May 26, 2017
What is the most effective means for improving ourselves in this life?
The Spiritist Doctrine explains the need for us to strive to become a better person.
It is useful to check, from time to time, our real inner situation by using rigorous personal examination.
If we do not progress, then we remain stationary for awhile.
To continue progressing we need to examine ourselves continually.
Inquire regarding your relationships at home, “Have you achieved the highest climate of peace at home?”
How patient are you? “Are you calmer, more affable and more understanding?”
Observe yourself before your friends, “Do you bring spiritual values into your actions in your daily life?”
Reflect about your capacity to help others, “Do you notice in yourself broader willingness to serve voluntarily?”
Research your own detachment, “Do you walk a little freer from the desire of influence and earthly possessions?”
Do you use more intensely the pronouns “we,” “our” and “ours” and less the determinatives “I,” “my” and “mine”?
Are your moments of sadness or silent anger, sometimes only known to yourself, rarer now? Has the little remorse hidden in the recesses of your soul decreased?
Have you dissipated old enemies and dislikes?
Have you overcome chronic lapses of inattention and neglect? Have you studied more deeply the Doctrine that you profess? Do you better understand the function of pain?
Do you still cultivate some discreet disagreement? Do you help those in need with greater selflessness? Have you been praying and maintaining your connection with God?
Have your ideals evolved?
Has your rational faith been consolidated more deeply?
Are your words loving and compassionate and your hands sharing and giving blessings? The principles of the Gospel can lead to joy in our hearts: “Have you been joyful and happy inside?”
Everything moves along! Everything evolves! Let us check our individual revenue with Christ! Spontaneously weigh in the existence today while living a peaceful circumstance, so that you may not see the obligation to weighing it in tomorrow under the impact of pain.
Do not fool yourself! A day that is gone is another share of responsibility, another step toward the Spiritual Life. It is either another valued opportunity or a missed one.
Interrogate your conscience regarding your use of time, to health and to the opportunities of doing the good that you enjoy in your daily life.
Do it now, while you still have the human body. Use this possibility to reconsider guidelines and easily undo mistakes, because when you pass to spiritual side, it will often be more difficult...
Source: Book Opinião Espírita by Andre Luiz (Spirit), psychographed by Francisco C. Xavier (medium), chapter 1, published by FEB.
A time dedicated to our Spiritual and Physical balance and harmony. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience with any spiritual teaching is needed. This meeting is recommended as a “Spiritual Support” to help all of us face our challenges and overcome them with balance and wisdom.
We hope to see you soon at
Spiritist Society Towards the Light.