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     Fridays - Spiritual Healing


The Importance of Self-Love

March 24, 2017



“The healthy self-love is fundamental for the human relationships, in particular the affective partnerships.”

The self-love gives the right dimension of what it is, of how it is and of how much of it needs to be accomplished. ” If our universal soul was a commercial enterprise, the "ego" would be the worst manager that we could hire to manage it, and the "self" would be indicated for the position.


Two thousand and five hundred years ago Socrates said, “get to know yourself as exactly you”.


Who desires to be happy, calm and wise, will have to learn to protect their emotions and govern themselves.


We said initially that the “ego would be the worst manager of our universal soul and the "self" the best, because that one is superficial, while this one is consolidated in the deepest cavities of the being, in the regions of the "archive" where it is "stored" in our deep memory, in our heap of experiences. It is in this very deep region of ourselves that “God's Kingdom” is located, in which we must plant the roots of our individuality and of our personality, in order to manage well our own life and, consequently, our life of relations.


In the spacious menu of resources with which we supply ourselves for our evolutionary walk in order to promote our emancipation of the spiritual childhood, in which we still do a traineeship, a very special and important element appears: The wisely dimensioned self-love.


Literally, the self-love can be defined as being that one that the individual devotes themselves to, the ideal form to search for interior renewal, for moral progress, emotional progress and to construct the building of the accomplishments that form the character and they fill it in depth. It is conquered through the great silence, so that the intimate can be known, in order to hear the messages that in it they find fallen asleep and that will awaken softly, presenting its magnificent meaning felt to derive from God. Without this valuable contribution, loses the meaning essential that is directed to the “self” deep inside, sliding for the troubled demonstrations of the "ego", which takes possession of the aspirations of beauty and of harmony, turning them into distressing impositions that injure the feelings of others, on account of the exaggerated narcissism of which they are covered.


The self-love is the most promising form to extend the capacity of the affection, directing it to other forms of life, to other people. The love yourself, proposed by Jesus, is an invitation, without retouching to the personal dignity, to the straight fulfillment of the duties in respect to the close rings that are extended to the feelings of the next one. Healthy self-love is fundamental for human relationships, in particular in the affective partnerships, in the marriage or not, when directed for the self-enlightening process.


Not following this invitation, will lead to display it as competitiveness, where one intends to overlap the other. This unfortunate behavior is responsible for the disasters in relationships due to the lack of understanding around the dialogue that does not intend to defeat another, but yes, to clarify one’s self, finding an ideal way where both can transit without aggression nor domain of space, in which they are put into motion in search of their accomplishments, without having damage to either side.


Induced to the self-refinement, the Spirit becomes tolerant with the desertions of their partner, even so not agreeing to these unfortunate attitudes; one does not change to be the judge of anybody, because one knows the difficulties with which one is confronted in this shock of self-growth that does not cease. Our vision of the world is more including, richer of compassion, more melting. Our feelings strengthen, not submitting ourselves to the childish and harmful impositions of loved ones. This enrichment operates the miracle of interior peace by understanding that, even if not loved, one has the duty to love and, even if so ignored in respect to the proper conquests, one’s duty is to preserve the love for ourselves.

We are Spiritual Beings, we are all immortal creatures! If we are to one day find happiness and peace then we must consider our whole being! While we go on thinking of ourselves as material people, we are only looking at half of ourselves and here lies the secret of so many mistakes, so many unhappinesses and so many failures. For every person this wider and deeper knowledge of LIFE carries with it the need for self- analysis, self-correction and self- improvement. Without these things we are all standing still, marking time, going nowhere! If this book helps even one person to take just one step forward then it will have done its work. God never demands the impossible of any one of us, nor gives us burdens for which we do not have the strength; so if we try to make a conscious effort to better ourselves then we have begun our journey into the future, towards the LIGHT, where one day victory, peace and joy will be ours. 

A time dedicated to our Spiritual and Physical balance and harmony. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience with any spiritual teaching is needed. This meeting is recommended as a “Spiritual Support” to help all of us face our challenges and overcome them with balance and wisdom.


We hope to see you soon at

Spiritist Society Towards the Light. 

I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.
Jesus (John 8:35-12)
Spiritist Society Towards the Light
One Simms Street
Suite 200
San Rafael, California 94901
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