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     Fridays - Spiritual Healing


God and Forgiveness

August 4, 2017

Is God a being distinct from the universe, or is he, according to the opinion of some, the result of all the forces and intelligences of the universe?


“If the latter were the case, God would not be God, for He would be effect not cause; He cannot be both cause and effect.”


“God exists. You cannot doubt His existence, and that is one essential point. Do not seek to go beyond it; do not lose yourself in a labyrinth which, for you, is without and issue such inquiries would not make you better; they would rather add to your pride, by causing you to imagine that you knew something, while, in reality, you would know nothing. Put aside systems. You have things enough to think about that concern you much more, beginning with yourselves. Study your own imperfections, that you may get rid of them; this will be far more useful to you than the vain attempt to penetrate the impenetrable.”


Forgive so that God will forgive you


  1. Blessed are the merciful, for they themselves shall receive mercy. Mt. 5:7

  2. If you forgive others for the wrongs they have committed against you, your heavenly Father will forgive your sins also, but if you do not forgive others when they have offended you, your heavenly Father will not forgive your sins either. Mt 6:14-15

  3. If your brother has sinned against you, go to him and make his wrong known in private, between you and him. If he listens to you, you will have gained a brother. Then Peter approached him and said, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he has sinned against me? Up to seven times? Jesus answered him, “I do not tell you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven” Mt. 18:21-22

  4. Mercy is the compliment of meekness, because whoever is not merciful cannot be meek and peaceable. Mercy consists in forgetting and forgiving offenses. Hatred and rancor denote a soul that neither advanced nor great. Forgetting offenses is proper to the advanced soul, which is above the insults that might be directed at it. One is always anxious, darkly suspicious and of bile; the other is calm. Full of gentleness and charity.


Woe to those who say, “I will never forgive” because if they are not condemned by other human beings, they certainly will be by God. By what right will they beg forgiveness for their wrongs if they themselves do not forgive the wrongs of others? When Jesus says to forgive others not seven times but seventy times seven, he teaches us that mercy should have no limits.


However, there are two quite different ways of forgiving: one is great, noble, truly generous, without ulterior motives, delicately sparing the self-esteem and susceptibility of one’s opponent even when he or she is completely to blame; and the second, by which the offended person-or the one thinks he or she has been offended- imposes humiliating conditions on the other person and makes him or her feel the weight of forgiveness that angers instead of pacifies. If this person offers his or her hand, it is not done benevolently but ostentatiously in order to be able to tell the whole world, “See how generous I am!” In such circumstances, it is impossible for there to be a sincere reconciliation for either one. No, in this there is no generosity, but a way of satisfying pride. In every dispute, the one with more disinterestedness, charity and true greatness of soul, will always win sympathy of impartial individuals.




Dear Merciful Lord,

Thank you for your gift of forgiveness. Your only Son loved me enough to come to earth and experience the worst pain imaginable so I could be forgiven. Your mercy flows to me in spite of my faults and failures. Your Word says to “clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” (Col. 3:14) Help me demonstrate unconditional love today, even to those who hurt me. 


I understand that even though I feel scarred, my emotions don’t have to control my actions. Father, may Your sweet words saturate my mind and direct my thoughts. Help me release the hurt and begin to love as Jesus loves. I want to see my offender through my Savior’s eyes. If I can be forgiven, so can he. I understand there are no levels to your love. We are all your children, and your desire is that none of us should perish.


You teach us to “let the peace that comes from Christ rule in our hearts.” (Col. 3:15) When I forgive in words, allow your Holy Spirit to fill my heart with peace. I pray this peace that only comes from Jesus will rule in my heart, keeping out doubt and questions. And above all, I am thankful. Not just today, not just this week, but always. Thank you for the reminder, “Always be thankful.” (Col. 3:15) With gratitude I can draw closer to you and let go of unforgiveness. With gratitude I can see the person who caused my pain as a child of the Most High God. Loved and accepted. Help me find the compassion that comes with true forgiveness.


And when I see the person who hurt me, bring this prayer back to my remembrance, so I can take any ungodly thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. (2 Cor. 10:5) And may the confidence of Christ in my heart guide me into the freedom of forgiveness. I praise you for the work you are doing in my life, teaching and perfecting my faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Sources: Spirits’ Book Chapter I, Q. 14; The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter X, Prayer by Kristen Brown

A time dedicated to our Spiritual and Physical balance and harmony. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience with any spiritual teaching is needed. This meeting is recommended as a “Spiritual Support” to help all of us face our challenges and overcome them with balance and wisdom.


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Spiritist Society Towards the Light. 

I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.
Jesus (John 8:35-12)
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